If you are wondering wood charcoal machine price, you should know that you do need a reliable manufacturer. There are simple ways to do it, as you shall in the rest of the article.
It all starts with you gathering the raw materials that will become charcoal. The ideal material to use are branches of hardwood, although you can also use wood chips if they’re the only material available. Get the wood charcoal machine. Once you have gathered all materials, find a place where you can light a fire. Get a metal drum and fill it with the wood you gathered. Seal the drum tightly but not airtight.

Prepare a bonfire around the drum. Gather extra wood and make a circle, leaving a hole where you will put the drum in. Put the drum in the hole and put more wood. What you want to do is light a fire with flames that go over the lid of the drum. Burn the bonfire for at least three hours. If you are using a large drum, let it burn for at least five hours. Let the fire totally burn down and cool before approaching the drum. When you open it, you should have enough charcoal supply to last you through summer. What you want to do is get a quote from at least three manufacturers: Beston. Get the reasonable charcoal making machine price from Beston.
Another way of charcoal making process is to get one large drum and one small one. Cut a rectangular fuel holder in the large one and several small holes in the small one. Fill the small drum with wood and cover it, slightly cracked so the moisture can escape.

Place two bricks in the large drum. Put the small drum over the two bricks. Build a fire inside the big drum between the bricks for seven to eight hours. Keep an eye out for the fuel, you will want for the large drum to have a constantly large fire inside until time is up. Let the drum cool before approaching.
The two processes we outlined above are the DIY methods for making charcoal. If you make charcoal as a business, you will need to buy a charcoal-making machine. There are many that are being sold online.